Saturday, December 29, 2012


Over the past month Affliction has announced they are doing a reunion show on Saturday March 16th at Tammany Hall. No one knows exactly what Jess (Singer) and Mike (Guitarists) are planning for the once in a lifetime show. It is guaranteed that this is going to be their biggest show since the Jamspot days. It is going to huge and people are only guessing and murmuring on what exactly to expect. Jess herself said “This is going to be the most epic thing that you will ever see in your life” while Mike just adds another “Epic” To that statement. Affliction was awarded “The band everyone wants to see reunite” at the Worcester Music Awards. You got what you wished for so break out your Affliction gear because the “War Cry” has been called and it’s time to party. Keep on the lookout for more News, Information, and Interviews. As the time gets Closer.  Event Information:  

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