Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Central Mass Roller Derby / Review

      CMRD: Is one of the hardest working roller derby league I have ever been a part of.  I am fortunate enough to have practice and get to know most of the players on this league. They work and sweat their wheels off to get this far. CMRD is divided by 4 teams: The Panty Linebackers, Petticoat Punishers, Switchblade Sallies, and Mass Maelstrom (Men’s Team). On Sunday June 20th @ Roll-on America. Mass Maelstrom will go up against The New York Shock Exchange. This will be a must see game so get your tickets in Advance ASAP. Fallowing that match, Two other teams from Central Mass Roller Derby will play The Panty Linebackers Vs. The Switchblade Sallies. I also believe that they have a band playing at Halftime.

Note From CMRD:  Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the game starting whistle is at 6 p.m. $12 adults/$8 ages 6-12. $10 advance sales at Standing room only, but feel free to bring one folding chair per person. Roll-On America is located at 90 Duval Rd., Lancaster. For more information, visit

Nothing Screams Summer Like Reggae and Punk So i Got Two Bands For You To Check Out: Both From The South I Bring You The Bastard Sun and BMP(Bulletproof Marshmallows) 

The Bastard Suns: A worth while band to see live they played a high energetic show when I saw them play in Georgia. They are a Reggae Punk band that I highly recommend you look up if you like those genres. Not to mention the epic guitar solo in “This Ones Gonna Hurt” that they play twice is insanity. But there mixed sound is well put together and it works. They also have a great song to drink to called "My Pint" Their album that they shared with No Fuego brings me back to the concert and reminds me of the insanity. Check them out at: or

BPM: Glendale and A Voice of Reason are two Albums that I picked up when I was in Georgia for thanksgiving a year ago. BPM is a Reggae Ska band that knows how to throw a grove. I saw them live with the Bastard Suns and So It Goes at The Masquerade in Atlanta Georgia. These two Albums are Cds you would roll you windows down on a hot summer day and blare it out of the car speakers. Or the old school boom box on the shoulder in the city type of music. Just check them out at:

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