Wednesday, October 31, 2012

RE-LAUNCH IN 3!!!! 2!!!! 1!!!!

     So everyone is most likely wondering what Rebellion Pitt is and how it started? Well a couple of years ago it was just an idea that formed in my brain. So I made this blog to help promote and support the local music and art scene. The music and art scene has helped me thought a lot of dark times and I felt like it is just my time to give back what the scene has given me. It’s taken me a while to figure out the direction I want to take Rebellion Pitt and what exactly I want to do with it. Now we are back and stronger than ever with new thoughts and ideas that will take some time to work out the details. Rebellion Pitts main goal is to help local Bands Musicians, Artists and Independent Businesses promote, network, and informing the fans and readers about what is going on. This is going to be an amazing journey. THIS IS JUST ONE OF MULTIPLE POSTS THAT WE WILL BE POSTING THOUGH OUT THE DAY FOR OUR RE- LAUNNCH!!!  To kick it off Adam from Mongrel Talking about Rebellion Pitt, Fans and what mongrel is all about.

“Hmmm. Where to begin... Our friend Bixby, also known as your host and founder of the Rebellion Pitt asked me to write a statement to the fans and readers for the relaunch of the site without a lot of direction as to what it should be about so here we go.... I first met Bixby years ago at this point and he's always been amazingly supportive of Mongrel in all its incarnations since then. Bixby IS punk rock. Enthusiastic, doing his own thing, and always coming up with a new way to try to make a difference and to make his mark on the world, starting here in the local scene. It's his passion, willingness to put himself out there, and willingness to be himself at all costs that earn respect in my book. With Rebellion Pitt version1, he gave it a go. He took some time off, regrouped and here we are at the new and improved Rebellion Pitt and he's ready to take another shot at it and there's no way I could not support him in this.

One of the things I always try to do with Mongrel is to be there for, and to stay in touch with the fans, many of whom become friends over time. Music is a way of connecting with people, of creating a community, and our "family" - while some of us are lucky and are born into caring, supportive, nurturing families and circles of friends; others are not so lucky or graced by fate to have these things. As such, for some we find family and friends in our tribe, in and around the band and creating these relationships through music is an amazing thing to be a part of for me and I consider myself very blessed to see this happen over time. I always make a point to write back to people online, to take the time to say hi at shows to anyone who wants to do so, etc - not because it makes me a holier than thou person or something but because who am I not to do this? I'm a music fan myself and I know how much it means to me when an artist I admire, a band that means something to me or who inspires me takes the time to chat for a few at a show, to write back online, or to listen to our music so I try to live by that same "punk rock" moral guide (Henry Rollins actually was talking about this the other night when I went to see him speak in Boston, if you were there you'll completely get this). Maybe we represent that to these people so of course I want to take the opportunity to connect with them and respond, talk, etc. I suppose it would be easy and take less time to not do it, but I feel like I'd be cheating them and myself as I've gotten to meet some very cool people, many of which I now call friends and whom I've seen progress as artists, musicians, and people during the course of my time with Mongrel and it's been amazing. Bixby is one of these individuals and I thank him for all his passion for life, music, and to make the world a more interesting and better place, just as I welcome anyone reading this to please also check out what he's doing here and to keep in touch with us as we continue this crazy adventure we call Mongrel, we certainly want to share the experience with you. 

Please also check out the video that Bixby did for our song "West Memphis Hell" (from our ep "The New Breed of Old School") that he took on as a project for himself both to support us, and to support a cause we both believe in, clearing the names of and finally finding true JUSTICE for the West Memphis 3 ( I think he did a great job with it and I'm honored he took the time and initiative to do so. I hope you enjoy it and will share it with your friends.”  

With much respect and sincerity,

-Adam Savage (Mongrel)



Monday, October 15, 2012

Is Rebellion Pitt off of hiatus?

 So Rebellion Pitt has been gone for a while now it has not died just waiting for the best time to make a Re-launch!!!!!!! Be on the lookout for the 1st post of Re-Launch!!! It is going to premier November 1st. This time we are going to be starting something new this time we will now be opening up Rebellion Pitt up to the fans. Fans can send Articles, Reviews, Links and anything else about Music, Art, Independent Businesses, and anything else you think is worth being noticed. You can send it to We are going to be bigger better and stronger.  It will take some time to get organized so keep with us for a while. Like us on Facebook